Looking for Dates of Birth for 2 People - any help/leads greatly appreciated!
Hoping people here can assist with birth dates. I'm working on a project and would really appreciate any info/sources for:
Harriet Johnson born in Sussex, England LHCN-47N
William Roberts born in Denbighshire, Wales LHRB-GCM
Thank You!
You should not be too optimistic about finding dates of birth for individuals born at this time. On some occasions, the date is added in the parish register entry, alongside the baptism date. Unless it is, you are going to rely on the possibility another researcher has some personal documentation relating to these individuals.
I would try to send messages to those who have made inputs to these IDs, and those of other family members. For example, with William Roberts, a GavinRayner has added a birth date to William's brother Mark. I cannot see where he got that from, as the only sources attached provide just the baptism date. It could be worthwhile contacting him (even though he made these inputs in 2017) to see if he has access to any additional records of this family.
Most genealogists have to accept there will just be a baptism date for most people born so far back and work out an approximate date of birth based on any consistency in other (e.g. census and death) records. I have very few birth dates for those in my family tree who were born (in England) before civil registration records began (in 1837).