I think I have almost finished translating Niels Sørensen's christeng record.
I have Niels Sørensen’s christening record which is available on familysearch at
the Danish arkivoline at https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17116884#153084,25498620 image 50
and another recording of the same event found it in the Hovedministerial records found at
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17224274#204829,38863562 image 49
I have two more questions-
What is after 29 in column 2, and after 30 and after the 8 in column 4
It (especially the 2nd one) looks like te which means “th” in Norwegian This is a Danish christening record not a Norwegian one. They are close in proximity. Do you see something different? I have seen this in more than one record. de means th in Danish or a period can be a th today in Modern Danish as well . Am I dealing with something totally different or I am just not seeing something and need a new set of eyes?
My second question is What is after 204 in column one? I do not even have a guess unless it is a comma. (It kind of looks like og which means “and” in Danish. )
I want to update and correct what I put on family search previously and I had those two questions before I did so. Thanks
To me, it looks like the things after the numbers are just "th" like you suggested. Looking at the entire page, it's clear that those are just labels on the dates.
The comma-like marks are just after every number on the page. It could be some sort of period. I don't really know, but it looks like it doesn't matter. It's just a number of the record.
So here's what I read on the record all together:
Record #204
Name: Niels Sørensen
Sex: Male (the top of the page indicates that male births on this page)
Birth Date: 29 December 1823
Christening Date: 30 December 1823
Some other event (I don't know what it is): 8 February 1824
Parents: Søren Mortensen and Mette Marie Rasmusdatter
Residence: Torslunde
Witnesses/other participants: Niels Madsen and his wife, of Marke; Mads Pedersen from Torslunde; and Niels Rasmussen from Kundbye.
Good luck!
Cody Bailey
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Looks good. It states that Niels Sørensen was born 29 December and home christened 30 December 1823. The home christening was confirmed in the church on 8 February 1824.