What information is in the Parents column?
I'm hoping for help deciphering the information for entry no 42, Elisabeth Sabine Hansen.
Thanks in advance.
This is the translation in the "Parents'" column:
"Mother: Karen Andersen came in from Odense 5 November 1850, she lives with her mother, who is the widow of farmhand Rasmus Andersen in Nyborg; the announced father of the child (is) Jens Hansen Ellegaard of the 6th Dragonregiment 1st ___________________ No. 117, a smith (like "blacksmith") by profession."
Her move-in record is here (first entry on the page): https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?bsid=440701#440701,79753245. She is Karen Andersdatter in the move-in record, but in the birth record she is Andersen.
As a side-note: in the remarks column (far right) it says "the father desired the child to be christened Hansen"
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Thanks a TON!