Translation of burial date and other words
Image 192 Page 357, right page, last column, last entry.
My translation:
1744 the 26 December Death Anders Persson Son Lars,
and burried ___ ____ Epiphan: 1745. 19 ___, 2 Months and
8 days: ___.
1.What are/is the word/s before Epiphan to tell me the burial date?
2.What is the word after his age 19. It doesn't look like either
years or Age?
3.What is the final entry after days:?
I'm improving slowly at reading these with your help.
The words before Epiphan: are "begrafs"=buried and "festo"=feast.
The word after 19 is "ahr", another way to spell "year(s)" instead of "år" or "aar".
The final word is "gammal", abbreviated "gl". It means "old" or "age".
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Also, I'm don't know how to figure the burial date using the Family Search feast days for 1745.
Could you please explain what this record tells me about his burial date?
Thanks again in advance:)
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Feast days are either 'fixed' (like Christmas-always the 25th of December) or 'movable' (like Easter-different for each year).
This is the page in the Family Search Wiki with information on the Feast Day Calendars: .
You need to determine, first, if the feast day is movable or fixed. If you don't know, then look in both. If it is fixed, then look in the "Alphabetical by First Letter" or the "Feast Days in Chronological Order" list. If it is movable, then look in the year for that feast day. For Lars' burial, look in 1745 and find "Epiphany" (or something similar-in this case the word is "Epiphania"). "1 p. Epiphania" means 1 week after Epiphany. "2 p. Epiphania" means 2 weeks after Epiphany, etc. Lars' burial is festo Epiphan:(ia) so that would be 6 January 1745.