Is it possible that Maren GSFP-BD4 (entry 10) was born to unmarried parents? Would this record say s
I see there is other information in that column that I cannot read, and this child is attached to parents who weren't married (according to attached sources) until seven years later.
Can someone tell me what the other information in Maren's entry says?
Thank you so much for all the help!
I'm looking this over and but we do see Maren in the 1834 census as a foster daughter in the home of Rasmus Nielsen and his wife Ane. Notice they are the witnesses at the christening of Maren.
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Did you notice the name of the father of Maren appears to be Niels Nielsen Peltsen. I have not seen that name (Peltsen) before, but in the FS tree for Niels Nielsen it shows his father is Niels Jensen Peltsen and this is his marriage record to verify that name.,28689092
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FamilySearch tree for POSSIBLE match Niels Nielsen. GMW3-3Y4. The last name of Peltsen is a really helpful clue to connecting to the correct man. More study is needed but I believe this could be accurate. In my search for the last name of Peltsen in FS records there were only 169 in Denmark.
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Shari, as always, thank you! This is quite a puzzle for me as I'm still gaining experience. I really appreciate the help! I've got a good start on figuring things out. I do think that match could very well be our Niels Nielsen as they have the same marriage date (to different names of wives, but I think they put the first wife's marriage date for second wife).
My only question still, is that you said that Maren's father Niels Nielsen seems to be Niels Nielsen Peltsen. I see the evidence of his father being Peltsen, but did you see a source that showed his son carried on that name?
Thank you!
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@mikesampson I have not done a thorough study evidencing Niels Nielsen using the additional name of Peltsen. I didn't see that name in the census records. It might appear on the siblings of Maren but I haven't check that as yet. Did you notice the large space between children, this needs study also. We know Birthe isn't the mother of Mogens, she would have been 11 yrs. old at his birth.
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@Shari Duce Thank you. I will definitely be continuing to sort this out and I appreciate your knowledge and help. I did see that space between children and figured something was wrong with Mogens as well. I will delve in again this weekend! Thank you!
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@mikesampson mikesampson you are very welcome.