I need help reading these remarks. The bottom row
Hi Sister Dalebout.
There appear to be 4 different remarks. The first (on the left) says that he was convicted at Gudhem Harädsrätt on 25 May 1858 for stealing something. I believe it says it was a 3rd offense. I can't make out what the offense was, but the value was 24 Riksdollars and 75 öre. (see here for an article in the Wiki about Swedish money: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Swedish_Money,_Weights,_and_Measures_for_Family_History_Research ).
He was sentenced to 6 days of water and bread and also 3 years 3 months of hard labor.
The middle remark says he was convicted at Gudhem Harädsrätt in 1854 for stealing something. Again I am not sure what it was but I think he was convicted for 3 years.
On the right I think are 2 separate remarks. The top mentions punishment for stealing and the bottom mentions punishment of 3 days for something that happened in 1854. Sorry I can't be more helpful!
Geoff could fill in all the details when you see him at the FHL.