Anders Magnusson has Fattigbjonet attached to his name in several household examinations. Google translate tells me this means The poor boy. The cases where this is attached to his name are when he is older (40-70 or so) and he is not associated with a particular household. I am wondering if this is an indication that he is homeless? A beggar? Some specific status relative to the Church or Government?
Hi #[JohnsonChristopherF JohnsonChristopherF ,]
The word is written Fattighjonet which means pauper (with an "h" instead of "b"). Google translate found it with this spelling. You can also look for older words on the Swedish Genealogical Word List in the FamilySearch Wiki, or the Swedish Historical Dictionary Database (SHDD). The SHDD doesn't have the full word because it treats it as 2 words fattig = poor and hjon = person. Swedish has a lot of compound words.