Translation of the attached document
Hello, the attached document is from the Catasto Onciaro from I believe 1752. I am hopeful it shows the family of Giuseppe (?) Petramala. Would it be possible for someone to confirm this and also translate the names of the other family members. Translation of the other information in this document would also be appreciated. Thanks very much.
The first part deals with the household, then the value of the activities and finally the estate.
Gius(eppe) Petramala Bracc(iante) [labour] an(ni) 24
Salvatore f(rate)llo Bracc. an 21
Sav(erio) f.llo Bracc. an 19
Dom(enico) f.llo an 15
Fran(cescco) f.llo an 12
Rosa s(ore)lla an 9
Giulia Visteni (?) mad(re) an 48
The second part values the activity. as labour they are valued 12 "oncie" each, but Domenico, being still a boy is only valued 6.
The final part is the estimate of the value of the estate
**** [veggiegarden] oncie 2:20
Castagni [chestnut trees] oncie 10
Vigna [vineyard] oncie 5
Total taxable value: 59:20 oncie
0 -
Hello Paolo, this is very kind of you to provide this translation. It was a difficult document to read let alone translate, so I am very grateful for both. This provides a great insight into the names of these ancestors as well as their family life being farmers and vineyard owners. Grazie mille per il tuo aiuto. Tom Grigoleit