I am struggling with finding information on a military relative Sven Gustavsson Shattman born 1717 a
Did he die while serving in the military? He married and lived with his wife in Boras. I have tried 10 parishes around Boras are to locate his birth record. Can you help with birth and/or death records?
Thank you, Jan
Can you direct us to some records showing when he was born or died; who he married and when; where the 1758 and 1759 records are? Anything to help us locate him.
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He married Maria Pehrsdotter Jan. 1, 1744 - Bredared 13054 C2 (1715-1825). Maria was born Feb. 9,1718 Bredared. He had a son born Bengt Olsson? Shows him as Corporal Sven Shattman on that record Dec. 7, 1746 Bredared C2. Daughter Anna was born Sept. 18, 1757 shows his name and Maria on that record. Daughter's death Jan. 12, 1821 shows He and Maria, but his middle name is Gustafsson. Army service number is 1151 Alvsborg Regemente (OP) 1758-1761 page 132. Military record for 1749 shows his full name SE/KrA/0023/0/497 Generalmönsterrullor. Another military record shows Maria as his wife Bredared (P)AI:1 1736-1745 bild-45 sida-79. Could his son's name Olsson be his name, but he changed it to Shattman?
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The birth record for Bengt Olsson on 7 December 1746 does not list any parents' names-except that Bengt's father's first name is Ole or Ols. The "M.F." immediately preceding "Corporal Sven Skattman", is for "mankjön faddrar" which is "male godparents/witnesses". So that means that Corporal Skattman is not the father, only a godparent or witness to the christening.
I will look for more information as time permits.
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I have found births of more children to Swen Skattman and Maria Persdotter in Bredared parish.
They are as follows:
Swen b. 9 August 1748 See here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0043229_00067#?c=&m=&s=&cv=66&xywh=3033,2577,3116,1673 .
Pehr b. 20 March 1751 See here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0043229_00070#?c=&m=&s=&cv=69&xywh=3298,2681,3144,1688 .
Bengt b. 15 August 1754 See here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0043229_00076#?c=&m=&s=&cv=75&xywh=3028,-140,2971,1595 .
After Anna's birth in 1757, there are no more births to Swen and Maria in this parish. You mentioned in your post that they were living in Borås. Do you have a record so I can look at that?
One other thing, I found a Swen Gustafsson in a move-in record in Bredared on 3 March 1738. He is coming from Borås. There is no way to know if this is your Swen Gustafsson, but it could be him. That record is here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0043211_00086#?c=&m=&s=&cv=85&xywh=417,1004,3004,1579 . Unfortunately, the household records in this parish are very difficult to follow and I can't find him without looking page-by-page through the record. Even then, there isn't any birth information for the people until later on in the book. He would probably be known as Swen Gustafsson until he joins the military, then he would be Swen Skattman or Swen Gustafsson Skattman.
I was able to find him and Maria Persdotter in a household record in Torpet, Bredared here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0043211_00074#?c=&m=&s=&cv=73&xywh=2765,779,2956,1553 . There aren't any more household records in Bredared to look at until 1767. They may have moved and there isn't any way to know where. If they are still in Bredared during this time-period, you would need to look through the records page-by-page to find them. You could try to find more births of children born to them (I looked until 1769 and didn't find any more) or the death records to see if they died in the parish.
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Thank you so much for all your research!! I think I found a birth for Swen in Tämta C:2 1704-1787 page 67. It is all coming together except for his death record, but I will assume in died in the military as he didn't show up in the 1761 military records, so my death date is probably correct -1760. It is very impressive how you can read all of these Gothic letters!
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You are welcome about the research. I enjoy it!!
As far as reading the Gothic script, The Swedish Genealogy Guide has some really good webinars for reading the script. See here for that list: https://swedishgenealogyguide.com/learning-center . If you go through these one-by-one starting with the top, you will get a pretty good basis for reading the writing. Then it is just practice, practice, practice 😃
This is a link to a pdf of some examples of the script (also from the Swedish Genealogy Guide): https://swedishgenealogyguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Swedish-Gothic-Alphabet-Samples.pdf
This is also a very good webinar for reading the writing: https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/lessons/scandinavian-handwriting .