Emigration records from Köpenhamn?
The database Emihamn lists Martin ANDERSSON as departing from Köpenhamn 19 March 1891 to Renovo, Pennsylvania. Is there online access to the actual register this information was extracted from? The Archive call no. is 1804 - which I don't have any reference to understand. I'm familiar to working with the Göteborgs poliskammare and Poliskammaren i Malmö - on Arkivdigital but an unsure of access for this port.
I've asked more experienced individuals about the original emigration records and I've been told that they do not add any further information. I have never seen one of the originals. https://ddd.dda.dk/udvandrer/udvandr_soeg.asp?navn=Andersson%2C+Martin&stilling=&alder=&sidste_oph_sted=&s_sogn=&s_oph_amt=&best_by=&best_stat=&best_land=&kontraktens_nr=&aar=1891&maaned=
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Köpenhamn is the Swedish spelling of Copenhagen.
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Thanks Shari. I am working on a dissertation for the University of Strathclyde and was hoping to include an image.