How to access Revision Lists for 1795, 1811, 1816?
Does anyone know how to find Revision Lists for 1795, 1811, 1816 for Krekenava, Krakes, & Basiogala parish? I’m looking for my Lutkiewicz ancestors in Lithuania from those parishes and I can’t figure out how to access the right area on family I can only read family names in Russian. Thank you!
Before diving into revision list research, it's important to understand a bit about jurisdictions as that determines how records were kept and are now stored/cataloged. The Russian Empire was divided up into guberni (singular: gubernia), which were a bit like states or provinces. Each gubernia was then divided up into uyezdi (singular: uyezd), which are comparable to a district or county. Revision list records were kept (and now stored/cataloged) at the uyezd, or the county level, with subsections within the uyezd for each town or village. A great place to easily find the uyezd is the Jewish Gen Town Locator (linked in blue below for each locality). According to this gazetteer, Krekenava was in the Ponevezh uyezd, Krakes was in the Kovno uyezd and Basiogala was in the Shavli uyezd. All of these places were a part of the larger Kovno gubernia. This being said, you'll want to check the FamilySearch catalog at the uyezd level to check for record availability. Sometimes they are cataloged at the gubernia level instead. In this case, it looks like they are found under Kovno, Russia in the catalog under the heading taxation. There are both revision lists and family lists available. The microfilm notes only provide the year, so from there you will have to browse through images to locate the uyezd that you are looking for. I'll attach an image that shows what the uyezd and town names look like written in Russian to help you. And here are a few additional resources that you might find useful:
"How to" Guide: Reading Russian Revision List Records (step-by-step guide that teaches you how to read revision lists).
Russian Genealogical Word List
The Russian Alphabet Learning Center Class
Deciphering the Handwriting and Understanding the Grammar Learning Center Class
Good luck with your research and please let us know if you have any more questions!
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Here are the names of the towns and uyezdi in Russian. For the uyezdi, I've included the adjectival form as well. It's common to see that.
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Thank you! I’ve started going through the 1816 revision lists. I’ve yet to find Kovno, (thank you for writing in Russian for me!) but there are a lot of records. Thanks again!
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No problem! Good luck!
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@Ellie Vance You are a WEALTH of information! Thank you for sharing your expertise so willingly...