dear Group,
I continue to learn to read Dutch each day with your help. I am most appreciative. I have a death record for Henricus Peers entry 103 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-8974-LLQZ?i=124&cat=1913938
I have transcribed/translated to the best of my abilities using the tools on the side as well as google translate, and maps to help me. There is a section in this document that I just can not see.. I have used Fritz's idea of going backwards to try and get the letters, but.. help.. If anyone would be so kind as to look at my transcription and translation, BUT also write the Dutch words within the ( ) so that I can learn to read these letters and word combinations better. As always.. thank you so much Carla
Death Transcription for Henricus PEERS
Transcription film 007033170, image 125, December 1905
Het jaar negentien hondred vijf den tienden December, on ach ten half uur voormiddag, voor ons Eduard Galens, Burgermuster, ambtenaar van den Burgerlijken stand van des stad Deynze, provintie ? oustvlaanderen, zijn verschenen: Francis Peers, oud vie ren dertig Jaren, muldersgast, zoon van den overlidens, wonende in dezestad, Arimand ( Orimand) Schepens, oud drie en twintig Jaren, ( Zon (v)der Ber (v/o)ese, gooede Ke__is) van Pen Overledene, wonende te Bachte Maria- Leerne, Deinze___, (den/velxs ons verk _aars) hebben dat gistern negenden December, om een uur des nachts Henricus Peers, Landweerxer geboren te Denterghem, denzes en twintigsten jannari achttien hondred zeven en dertig en wonende en Dezestad, zoon van Frederik Peers on van Francisia Claeys beide overladen echtgenoot van Silvia Maria Vernackt, oud negen en zestig Jaren huishouster wonende en dezestad; alheir overliden is in het huis N-68, staande in de Neerbeye, ___ E en hebben ( devers hijners __et ons Dezen ____ derdelijn ojy/genaorkt ___ gedazre )voor ____zing) getvekend
The year 1905, the 10th of December at 8 and a half (8:30) hours in the mid- morning, appears before me Eduard Galens, Mayor, civil servant of the civil registration of this city of Deynze, Province, oustvlaanderen appeared: Francis Peers, 34 years old, miller’s apprentice, son of the dead, residing in the city, Arimand (Orimand) Schepens, 23 years old, ( HELP!!!!!!______________________________) Pen Overledene, residing to Bachte Maria- Leerne, deinze, ________________-? To have yesterday 19th December, on 1 hour in the night, Henricus Peers, ( Land worker/homeguard ?) born in Denterghem, the 26 th of January 1837 and residing in this city, son of Frederik Peers and of Francisia Claeys both dead spouse of Silvia Maria Vernackt, 69 years old, housekeeper residing in this city; at this place died in the house N# -68 ___________________________________________ signed.
after the Jaren it reads:
zonder berop, goede Kennis
Which translates to without profession, good knowledge
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Thank you so much,
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@carla ratcliff
In the year 1905 10th of December at 8.30 before noon,Before us, Eduard Galen , mayor , civil servant of the civil office in the town of Deinze,province Oost Vlaanderen did appear:
Francies Peers,aged 34 yrs,muldersgast , son of the deceased
living in this town, Armand Schepens,aged 23 yrs, without profession, well aquainted (goede kennis) with the deceased,living at Bachte Maria Leerne whom declared at us, that yesterday , the 9 th of December at 1 o clock in the night,Henricus Peers , Farmer,born at Dentergem,26 of Januari 1837 and living in this town, son of Frederik Peers and Francisca Claeys both deceased,husband of Sylvia Maria Vernackt aged 69 yrs,
housekeepster,living in this town, (Alhier) here, has passed away,in the house nr 68 located in the Meerleye , wijk 1.
And with us ("hebben deze verschijners" ), and with us , (have those whom appeared), formatted this certificate/deed (akt=deed)
Done after reading publicly(voorlezing) and signed.
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Adrie, Again THANK YOU!!!!! I am getting there slowly but surely.
I hope your bike ride went well.
I do see on the archives the marriage of Henricus Peers and Silvia Vernacht with his and her parents named!!! Same as death record... Thank you for the words and phrases as well.. This I will add to my list.
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Adrie, What in Dutch is "whom declared at us" ? Please That was a difficult section and what to write the Dutch words down for further reference please. Also.. I saw for farmer. " Landweirxer".. but the Dutch word list did not have this combination.. but did say something about home guard.. As always any help is appreciated.
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it is just behind Bachte Maria Leerne,"dewelken ons verklaard hebben" "whom declared at us" denwelcken or dewelken or dewelksten is 'the one that" he whom declared.
Another example is also one of yours , "ten ene(n)", and "ten andere(n)",or even modern phrased , "enerzijds or anderszijds"-this would be an easy to find.
This old Flemish is tricky.
Landweirxer, helper on a farm , farmhand. today we would say , landarbeider, or landwerker,most of them worked on big farms not owning land or cattle.
A farmer here is a "boer", and a "hereboer",is one with most of his land as ownership,not rented,and many helpers.
Many of these terms are not in the common parlay anymore.Just ask if you have doubt. btw , the name=>Silvia Vernac(k)t, i do not read it as a h.
Yes,! had a magnificent ride,as i will have all the coming days, the weather forecast so promising!-altough , when i'm on my bicycle i get frustrated that i'm not fishing here on the canal
in my own forest, and when i'm at the canal i get frustrated that i'm not on my .... even if i catch a lot of fish.
I fish for zander.
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I was with my children and grandchildren today and now I can respond to your wonderful translations of vocabulary and phrases. I shall add to my list. Yes to Vernackt.. I see this name spelled this way in all documents. I do not think that I will find any "newer" documents for this family.. I am only able to get Maria Irma Stevens birth document, but NOT Francis Peers because he was born 1871. No records on FS, and their children which are 4 .. only one Bertram Ivan Peers.. again records available. BUT I do have them on manifests coming into USA. Most of the records it seems will be before this. I will look at Peers/ Vernackt marriage record 1866.Commune Sint-Baafe-Vijve ( I looked it up and found it ). I will try to transcribe. As always, Thank you so much for everything!!!
PS I LOVE to fish!!!
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The zanders i fish for, are around 40 Euro/kilo.
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I found your Franciscus Peers , btw,and i will translate and post it tomorrow, or the day after that,...things are busy here, with all this fishing and cycling.
Also , my daughter bought the allotment behind our house, and is building a house on it, so i have to be there sometimes.
Vernackt is born in Hulst,(the current Netherlands)and that is a very beautiful touristic spot; she is also mentioned, occupation hairdresser as is Franciscus.
Set google for pictures and hit "Hulst" at the prompt; will give you a good impression from the sky-, we do a lot of our shopping there.
Take care
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Thank you,
I thought that we already did the marriage of Francis Peers and Maria Irma Stevens which gives Francis information, but if you found his birth record that would be great.
I am uploading the marriage of Henricus Peers and Silvia Maria Vernackt longggg to say the least. Do not worry about my stuff.. it is wonderful that you can now have close time with your daughter and fishing and cycling in your weather seems much more appealing than reading documents.
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Yes , i have the birth record, and Henri the father of Franciscus was hairdresser, not Frans himself.(obvious)
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@carla ratcliff
In the year of 1871 at the 11 th of Juli 9 o clock in the morning,before us, Casimirus Van Hauwaert, mayor, civil servant of the civil office of Oeselgem
did appear,Henri Peers, hairdresser,aged 35 yrs , born at Dentergem,and living here,has showed before us , a child of the manly gender,born at his
house here,at the place,on yesterday at 2 hours in the morning from him declarant, and from his wife
Sylvia Vernackt, hairdresser, aged 35 yrs,born in Hulst and living here,and to which child he declares to give the name of Fransiscus.All of this took place 'ten bijwezen'(in the presence of),Marck Van Hauwaert, trader, aged 33 yrs, and Leonard De Meulemeester, veldwachter(sort of mountie) aged 59 yrs, both living here.
Waarvan akte( deed derived from this) , after the reading out aloud ,the witnesses have signed along with the declarents. (benevens=along with)
I found it in the store of Geneanet,so i will not give the link to it
but if you have or make an account on geneanet
he(Fransiscus) is listed ad Francois Peers, filter for Oeselgem.You will find it in the list there.
So he is born on the 11th--
I took this omission, because , indeed he was not in the 10 year indices in Oeselgen at FS.
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OH.. I do not have an account but could make one... Does Geneanet have birth records ( not indexed at FS) for years 1896, 97 and 1912? Deinze. ??
How is the biking and fishing going!!
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You can make a free account, does not charge money, but of course you will not have a premium acces.I have no idea about the other info, i use Geneanet very rare,
altough it is not a bad site.Sometimes they have more names and more intuitivity.
The reason i found Franciscus there, is that he was there, but somebody listed him as Francois---In Belgium most people do not use the name they are born with,but the common version of it
for example, my real name is Adrien, but my mother and father wanted to name me as Adrian,which was not allowed at that time,as it is a Dutch name(today they would allow it);
So common practice,the name they used for me was Adrie. I have to be carefull as i order tickets to fly, they want my passport name.
Its Bob for Robert.Some names deviate a lot more.
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Okay.. He is listed as Frank in USA.. well my friend you just gave me the word for my mistranscribed " tapper".. should be "kapper"- hairdresser.
Thanks.. I have a lot to learn. I am trying the "learn to read Dutch words" on the right side of the page to help me practice those many version of "e, n, r etc" especially the letter combinations.
Again Thank you,
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Kapper =hairdresser (m)
kapster=hairdresser (f)
I think people here are in awe to see how clever you are , Carla,awsome!