Transcription request: 1707 Baptism record, Gelting
I cannot easily transcribe the details of the baptism record on 21 Apr for a child of Hans Petersen. From a response to an earlier request, @Ulrich Neitzel commented that "verlöset" was not a German term, but similar to the Danish or Swedish forløst/förlöst = [ was helped to] deliver [a child].
Please help flesh out the details.
21 April Hans Petersen Schmidt in Lebek
frau verlöset [der?] Kind aber starb [?] [?] [auf?] [d.
as] [dir?] [nahtleise?] [erehfangen?] [hilte/hilfe?]
Not all words are readable, but the meaning is quite clear.
21 April Hans Petersen Schmidt in Lebek
frau verlöset das Kind aber starb [?] fort? nach d[em]
es die Nohttaufe empfangen hatte
The wife gave birth to the child but [it] died immediately after the emergency baptism.
Thank you as always!