Transcription Request: Examples of baptismal entries for stillbirths, 1711 in Gelting
Here are two more examples of records of stillbirths, from 1711, in the same Gelting registry that I requested help with yesterday. The 1st entry seems to use the term "entbinden" [be delivered of (child)]. The 2nd entry contains the term "verlöset" that reminded you of the Danish/Swedish term forløst/förlöst.
The entry for 20 Sept reads differently than the one for 24 Sept. My interpretation is that the wife of Jochim also died soon thereafter. There are no digitized death records for this time period in the Gelting registry, so I cannot verify. Can you clarify the transcriptions?
20 Sept: Hans Petersen Schmidts in Lebek frau
[?] [werden?] von einer tod♰ gebuhrt [entbind(en)?]
24 Sept: Jochim Petersen Huf. in Stendrup frau
verlöset von einer tod♰ gebuhrt, [sterb?] bald [darauf?]
I think you have transcribed the records very well.
The first two words in the second line of the first record are difficult. A guess that would work grammatically is "ward wiederum", so the sentence would be
"… ward wiederum von einer Todt gebuhrt entbunden."
… was again delivered of a stillbirth.(I am not convinced that there is a cross after Tod; to me it looks like the letter "t".)
I agree with your transcription of the second record. The last words are "starb bald darauf" = died soon after.
Thank you!