Looking for parents of my great-grandfather
Looking for the parents of Robert Felix GRYH-VDD. We appreciate any help that you can offer.
We found his parents. We are now looking for his grandparents. Here are the IDs of his parents: Johan Felix GBBQ-55V and Johanna Klimczek GBB7-MYD. We found a certificate with the name of Johanna's father but no maiden name for the mother, Maria. Thank you for your help on this.
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I think Johanna's death record gives her mother's maiden name as Reitor:
Since Johanna was born in Creuzthal, you can probably find her 1853 birth record in Krascheow film 2065900, Item 3:
This film should be viewable at any FHC. You should also be able to find other records in the films listed on the above familysearch link. It says
"For earlier years see Sczedrzik parish." so you may need to go to films listed here too:
(Edit to add, film 949154 / 7997518 on the above Sczedrzik film is indexed and there are a number of births to parents Thomas Klimczek and Maria Reitor, both with spelling variations. So it would be well worth going to a FHC to view the Sczedrzik films.)
There is a 58 year old Thomas Klimczek (Klimossek) who marries in Krascheow records in 1885. He is old enough to also be the Thomas who is Johanna's father and this record gives his parents names. It is worth investigating to determine any relationship. The wife in this record would not be Johanna's mother.
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Thank you very much. Very helpful!