Translation request for marriage #5 Joos and Rinkert
Here's the translation by column -
[Running] Number of marriages - [1843] 5
Names of the groom and the bride - Johann Friedrich Joos, Johanna Barbara Rinkert[in]
Status, character, profession, residence, and religion - citizen and farmer here, both ev[angelical] rel[igion]
Parents - + [deceased] Johann Conrad Joos, citizen and vintner here and Anna Luisa nee Kopp
Christina Sophia Rinkert[in] of Lehren-Steinsfeld
Unmarried, divorced, widowed, in the latter two cases the name of the divorced or deceased spouse - he leg[itimate] unmarried, she ill[egitimate] unmarried
Born when and where? - 15 August A[nno] 1817 here, 3 Febr[uary] 1816 in Lehren-Steinsfeld
Date or royal permission to marry where this was required - 5 August A[nno] 1843 from the royal district court
Place and time of the proclamation -Untereisesheim and Lehren-Steinsfeld, 1. D [Sunday] 6 p[ost] Tr[inity], 2. D 7 -- , 3. D 8 --
Place and time of the marriage - Lehren-Steinsfeld, 6 August
Minister who performed the marriage - pastor from that Kreis
Dispensations - 0
Page in the Family Register - fol. 121
Note - Lehren-Steinsfeld per Meyers Gaz -
The 6th Sunday post Trinity in 1843 was 23 July, the 7th was 30 July, and the 8th was 6 August.