Burial Translation - 2 questions
Would someone take a look at my translation? I feel pretty good about it, just want to verify I'm reading the letters correctly.
- Do I have her mother's first name spelled correctly? I've always seen it spelled Francisca - this looks more like the Czech spelling of her first name.
- Did I read the cause of death correctly?
Thank you for taking a look - greatly appreciated
Burial in 1848 in Weiler in den Bergen: 9
Deceased Name: Theresia
Occupation, Religion and Place of Death: married, Wezgau (Wetzgau), catholic religion
Parents: deceased Georg Abele, tailor & deceased Franziska (might be Franzisca), nee Knödler
Spouse: wife of the deceased Joseph Maier
Age: 66 years, 18 days
Cause of Death: Altersschwäche - debility of old age
Town & Time of Death: Herdtlinsweiler on May 1st, 1848 at 8am
Town & Time of Burial: Weiler (in den Bergen) on May 3rd, 1848 at 10am
Page Number of the Family Register: S (seite – page?), blank
Note: Her family register is in Wetzgau. Likely living with her son, Anton Maier in Herdtlinsweiler after Theresia’s husband passed.
Yes, you did an excellent job in reading and translating the record.
The name of the deceased is given as Theres, short form of Theresia. This may vary in different records.
The mothers name is Franziska, this is equivalent to Franzisca or even Francisca; the -k- is the German spelling.
"Altersschwäche" is the correct given cause of death.
Thank you @Ulrich Neitzel