Translation help with burial record.
I would appreciate a review of the translation I attempted for this 1689 burial record from Langenselbold, Hesse, for Tönges Lerch. He apparently died from a gun accident and was buried in Offenbach? (Offenbach was thirteen miles southeast of Langenselbold)
Offenbach Den 22 Feb Ist Tönges Lerch, Joh Lerchen Ehelicher sohn begraben word zu Offenbach, welchem ein Rohr [Gewehr?] der Selbst in d hand ges[ch]prunden und die linck zerschmerttert, worzu in Steclfluß? ihm gefallen, davon er sein lebn auffgebn müssen. Alt 23 Jahr weniger einige wochen.
Offenbach On February 22nd, Tönges Lerch, Joh Lerchen's married son, was buried in Offenbach, whose hand was shot/ blown there by a rifle and his left one was shattered for which he fell in ?, and had to give up his life. 23 years old less a few weeks
The entry is the seventh one under the heading of 1689 on page 729. Here is a link to the entire page:
Antonius Lerch (1666–1689) • Person • Family Tree (
Thank you so much!
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
You have read the record correctly; some minor edits below. The interpretation is more difficult. It seems that "Rohr" is not a synonym for "Gewehr" ( ); it could mean "stick" or even "pipe" in the sense of smoking pipe. "Steckfluss" is a choking attack, suffocation. The exact cause of death seems difficult to determine, it appears to have been a sudden death.
Offenbach Den 22 Feb Ist Tönges Lerch, Jois Lerchen Eh
elicher sohn begraben worden zu Offenbach, welchem ein Rohr da Selbsten in d hand gesprungen und die lincke zerschmettert, worzu ein Steckfluß? ihm gefallen, davon er sein leben auffgeben müssen. Alt umb 23 Jahr weniger einige wochen.Translation:
Offenbach On February 22nd, Tönges Lerch, Johannes Lerchen's legitimate son, was buried in Offenbach, who had a pipe burst in his hand and his left one was shattered for which he suffered a choking attack and had to give up his life. About 23 years old less a few weeks
Ulrich Neitzel,
Thank you! I appreciate the link to the Wörterbuchnetz. My goodness! The definition of "Rohr" is complicated. It did sometimes mean something like a gun barrel, but also maybe a pipe used in an occupation? Perhaps, it was something similar to a glassblower's pipe?
We will never know, but I appreciate your help. I now know Tönges died from choking after some kind of accident which shattered his left hand. That is quite interesting to read 335 years later!
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz