Translation Request MR Jakobus Martin and Juliana Kocher 1689 Marxheim
Right page, 3rd from bottom
I need help with the bride’s father’s occupation and the village that he is from.
I read that he is a civilian ‘civis’ and ‘pistoris’ ? fisherman?? No idea of the village ‘?ettmos’ .
Follow-up: After studying the scribe's handwriting, I think the first letter is a "P" making the place as written in the record: Pettmos.
This may be the place "Pöttmes".
Here is the link for Pöttmes from Meyers Gazetteer:
Pöttmes is approximately 13 miles southeast of Marxheim.
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You're very welcome, @DorisMiller1. I'm glad you were able to confirm that there are Kocher records in Pöttmes and that you possibly found the bride's mother's death record. Well done.
Hello @DorisMiller1,
The bride's father is a "civis" = citizen and a "pistoris" = baker.
FYI: The Latin word "piscatoris" = fisherman.
I'm still trying to decipher where the father is from. I agree with you that it reads as: _ettmos but I can't determine the first letter.
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Thank-you @Robert Seal_1 . Great, the first baker that I have found in my tree! I will look in Pöttmes for Juliana and her family.
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Follow-up @Robert Seal_1. There are definitely records with Kocher in Pöttmes. They don’t start early enough for Juliana’s BR, but I do believe I found her Mother’s DR. She would have been quite old, late 70s or 80s, but possible. Thanks again. Great detective work.