Record Interpretation + Research Suggestions
Hi all:
I'm looking for the parents and birth record of Sara Genoveva von Satzenhofen (GGVR-TYF), ∞ 1670 Johann Lorenz von Leoprechting in Döltsch (, † 1686. From the research I've done already, I have found the following pieces of information:
- Sara comes from the von Sazenhofen (also written Satzenhofen or Sazenhouen) family.
- She is somehow connected to Wolf Paul von Satzenhofen (* um 1647, † 1700 in Wildenau, L2QH-5QD), who lived in the nearby village of Wildenau (; they are listed as baptismal witneses for each others' children in 1679.
- According to Wikipedia ( Christoph Albrecht von Sazenhofen aquired the Wildenau estate in 1653.
- The Sazenhofen family is initially from the village of Fuchsberg (
So, I looked in the birth records of Fuchsberg to see if I could find any birth records for Sara Genoveva or even Wolf Paul. Unfortunately, most of the records for Teunz (Fuchsberg's parish) were destroyed in a fire in 1845; however, between 1638 and 1651 Teunz's (and thus Fuchsberg's) records were recorded in the parish of Pullenried, which does have surviving records.
Looking at the baptismal register, I found this record from 1646. Unfortunately, part of the record is missing, but this is pretty much all the info I have on the family. It seems to mention Christoph Albrecht … houen (this part of the paper is missing). It seems to be a birth record for a Christoph Paul, but I can't tell. Could you help me read this record?
It can also be found at this link (the record starts at the bottom left and goes onto the right side):
The record is quite difficult to read, but appears to be for the baptism of another Paul Christoph, for whom Paul Christoph Sazenhouen acted as godfather.
... Juny ist Paulus Christoph von mir Pfarrer zu Vichtach
[Balthasar Fo]rster getaufft worden, des Leonhard Gurrers(?) _nd
[eheleib]licher Sohn. heu__er. Paulus Christoph, des woledel(?)
gebohrnen und gestrengen Herrn Christoph Albrech[t Sazen-]...
houen uf Fuchsberg Ehurfre dr in Bayen _ Con...
zu Aurberg und Pflegers bäder Ambtes Thuorn..
Stalenberg, noch Unmündtlicher Sohnle, dessen Statt ..
geantwortet und handt ufgelegt, Herr Görg David
Sazenhouen zu Fuchsberg.Translation:
On the same place [Fuchsberg]
On __ June Paul Christoph, legitimate son of Leonhard Gurrer(?), was baptized by me, Balthasar Forster, pastor in Viechtach. Sponsor(?): Paul Christoph, minor son of the well-born and strict Lord Christoph Albrecht Sazenhouen of Fuchsberg ... [other titles which I can't read completely]…, in whose place Mr Görg David Sazenhouen of Fuchsberg answered and laid out his hand.1
I can't decipher the record but I did happen to find this abstract of a "Georg David von Satzenhofen" record from Teunz in 1650.
In this record, he is apparently denied the purchase of a hammermill because he was Lutheran. If this "von Satzenhofen" is related to yours, then perhaps you should also extend your search to Lutheran records?
I wonder if your Wolf Paul von Satzenhofen is the "Adam Balthasar Wolfgang Paul von Satzenhofen" in this 1661 letter from Emperor Leopold I for Adam Balthasar Wolfgang Paul von Satzenhofen, for the Wildenau estate.
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Interesting! I'll have to look into that. I know the family was mainly Catholic, but obviously some people switched so I'll have to see.
And I think that is the Wolfgang Paul I'm looking for - he and his family are the only von Satzenhofens I've found in Wildenau.
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Thank you! That's very helpful!