Translation Question

I'm trying to understand the words in parentheses after 'Spur d. Barbara.' I believe 'vagi' might be one of the words, which I think could mean 'wander' in Latin. Greatly appreicated, here's a link to the record on Matricula:
The words in brackets are: siehe auch unter vagi/vapi(?) = see also under vagi/vapi(?). I don't know what the last word refers to, but I don't think it is Latin.
Spur is an abbreviation for Spurii which means "illegitimate children".
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@Robert Seal_1 & @Ulrich Neitzel Thank you, I'll check that out. I was thinking it might have been a reference to who was the father of the children, but it's just a reference to more details.
Hello @ccr1107,
Here is the link for the original family register for this family from which the image you posted was subsequently recopied:
Be sure to look at the back of this page where the illegitmate children are recorded.
This may give you some additional information about the family.