Translation Please: Karolina Branecka
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 118, Łabunie Parish, of Karolina Branecka, born Skrzepilo (Skrzepiło), who died in Łabuńki on the 13th August 1882, death reported on the 14th August 1882, she lived 30 years, she was married, a peasant, daughter of Wincenty Skrzepilo (Skrzepiło) and Marianna, born Szwabenik, married couple Skrzepilo (Skrzepiło), peasants who died in Łabuńki, they came from Morawy in Austrian Empire. At death she left widowed husband, Jozef (Józef) Branecki. Death reported by Józef Choraczek, 40 years old, and Jan Kulenta, 50 years old.