Kristine August geb Rohl. Death
Can I please have help translating the death of Kristine August geb Rohl.
Thank you for your help
1905 | 53 |
Translated from Russian:
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 53, Radom, Evangelical Parish, of Christina (Krystyna in Poish) August, born Röhl, who died in Kowala, Gmina Kowala, on the 20th March 1905, death reported on the 21st March 1905, she lived 43 years, she lived there with her husband, she was daughter of Wilhelm and Ludwika, born Rode, married couple Röhl. At death she left widowed husband Daniel August. Death reported by Daniel August, 52 years old, a laborer in village Kowala, and Kristian Holtz, 42 years old, a landowner.
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Thanks Maria that was my great, great, great grandmother! thanks for the translation help :)