translation request
Here's the translation -
Nr. 3701 - Extract from the marriage contract, dated 29 April 1862, established between Georg Friedrich Bürgin, unmarried and of age, from Haltingen, and Anna Maria Steiger, unmarried and of age, from here.
§3 The groom declares: the bride, while she was unmarried, gave birth to a natural child named Karl Ferdinand, born 23 June 1860. I hereby acknowledge this child, with agreement by the bride, as procreated by me, and through the following marriage, grant him all rights of a legitimate child. I would like the birth register here to mention this process.
Lörrach certifies the correctness of this extract on 29 April 1862 [spelled out]
Grand ducal official [can't read what type of official, sorry]
District notary
L. S. Kiefer
The correctness of the above extract is certified by
Haltingen, 21 May 1862, Gr. ev[angelical] parish office,
L. Specht, Vicar
And in the right-hand margin, it says -
Acknowledgement of
Karl Ferdinand
born 23 June 1860
cf. birth register from 1860, Nr. 11
thank you so much for your timely answer to my query