Knonau ZH - assorted - 1595-1633 - Urmi & Grob - entire family
Kent Gardiner
Knonau ZH - baptism - 1589 1595 - Grob - Adelheit
I found all of the baptisms for Adelheit and Felix Urmi's children and posted them on this page. I don't necessarily need them translated unless you see a reason to do so.
First document:
OK - here we have
bapt 1595 Adelheid Grob
marr 1616 Urmi & Grob - see also EDB
bapt 1617-1633 their children
These are "nice to have" (all linked to from D) Felix Urmi oo 1616 Adelheid Grob) - but none of them "spectacular" (basically all the same, just different names).