Translation Request DR Walburga Paulin 1795
Left page, 2nd from top. I am particularly interested in what “ die alte Schöhslbauerin”means. The old ? I tried to look it up in the German occupations but it wasn’t in the Bauer list.
Also, was she 71 years old when she died? Are these ages always accurate? I sometimes find them off a bit. If this is the correct DR , she should have been 67 when she died. I am fairly confident that this is Walburga’s DR. Her daughter’s MR says that she is the daughter of a schlossel farmer (the translation that I received back).
Thanks so much.
The word is "Schlösselbaurin" which is the female form of "Schlösselbauer". Schlösselbauer is the name of a farmstead in Sallach, see, 2nd entry. "Die alte Schlösselbaurin" was most likely the wife of the old (former) Schlösselbauer.
Her age appears to be 71; the "1" looks a bit odd, but it is similar in other appearances on this page. It is difficult to say whether ages were always recorded accurately. It was probably often given verbally, and there may have been miscommunication.
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Hello @DorisMiller1,
Walburga's age as written in the record is: c. 71 ann. = circiter 71 annos = approximately 71 years.
Thus even in this record, her age at death is being estimated and not stated with certainty.
I would not consider 71 vs. 67 a game changer in terms of accepting this as your ancestor's death record.
She died on 10 April 1795 and was buried on 12 April 1795.
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You're welcome, @DorisMiller1.
Thank-you @Ulrich Neitzel and @Robert Seal_1 . You both give such thorough answers. It is so appreciated. Thanks for the link of house names. That is so interesting.