Place name
Could someone tell me where Sven Nilsson is going in 1826?
arkiv Digital v38243.b73.s65
Hi DeeDee, I don't see a Sven Nilsson. There is a Sven Jonsson (b. 9 Feb. 1799). I think he went to Kalmar.
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This was a hard one! I'll just post my notes below, note, the couple didn't have any kids except at least one foster child as far as I can tell.
Birth record, Lenhovda Cl:2 page 226, baptized 1799-02-17. D:1871-06-30 in Kalmar, death record, Kalmar F:2 picture 168
F:Jonas Nilsson B:1766-07-28, birth record Lenhovda Cl:2 page 96
M:Lena Jonasdotter B:1765-05-18, Lenas family is in Lenhovda Al:5 page 32, she then moves to page 50. (Lenas birth name is Helena) her birth record, Lenhovda Cl:2 page 92
The family lived at Torpet Alster in Sävsjö
Lenhovda Al:5 page 50 in Sävsjö
Lenhovda Al:6 page 260 in Sävsjö
Lenhovda Al:7 page 60 in Sävsjö
Lenhovda Al:7 page 26 Sven is now a farmhand and moved on his own
Myresjö Al:6 page 64
Lenhovda Al:9 page 65 Sven is back in Sävsjö and moves 1826-10-17 to Kalmar, he's not in the move record as far as I can tell, see Lenhovda Al:9 page 230 (this is for the year 1926)Kalmar stadsförsamling Al19 page 117 at the bottom of the page, "Gifte Dräng. Sv. Jonsson Blomgren"
and below him his soon to be wife Maria Nilsdotter B:1779-09-15 in Hälleberga, Småland D:1860-03-25 in Kalmar.He's found in Kalmar as Sven Blomgren