Translation of Christening record Riegel
On the right page 4th record down. Question it looks like the wives last name is Müller however Johannes in many records is listed his occupation as Müller. Could this be possible that it was listing his occupation and not Anna's maiden name? Any help in trying to understand this record will be greatly appreciated. Paula Rail
Please clarify which entry you need help with. The film number and image number.
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AnnaJohannes Riegels von Ginssweiler und Anna Gerthruda seiner Hauss
frau Tochterlein ward getaufft d 7. t. Jan: 1700:
gevatterleüt waren Hanss Görg Schad und Anna
Maria Johannes Schaden Tochter und Anna Catha-
rina Hanss Nickel Grossen Tochter von Medart [Medard]0 -
Yes this is it. Can you please translate it.
Paula Rail
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Anna, daughter of Johannes Riegel of Ginssweiler and Anna Gerthruda, his wife, was christened on the 7th day of January 1700. The godparents were: Hanss Görg Schad and Anna Maria, daughter of Johannes Shad; and Anna Catharina, daughter of Hanss Nickel Gross of Medard.
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Thank you so much. Paula Rail