Translation Request: Marriage Record
No 4
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 4. Kuczbork, dated the 15th February 1901, of Marcelin Napierski, a bachelor, landowner, son of deceased Antoni Napierski, a landowner, and of his living wife, Paulina, born Lesnikowska, he was born in Turza Mala, and lives there, he is 30 years old, and of a maiden, Rozalia Safuryn, born in Kuczbork, daughter of Maryanna Safuryn, she lives in Nidzgera with her mother, she is 19 years old. Three Marriage Banns were published before this marriage. The oral permission of the mother of the bride was granted. The prenuptial agreement was entered into with Notary in Mlawa on the 21st January 1901. Witnesses: Wladyslaw Chodubski, a landowner from Nidzgera village, 28 years old, and Antoni Pstragowski, a landowner living in village Wujeczka, 50 years old. Signatures: Marceli Napierski, Rozalija Saforyn, Wladyslaw Chodubski and Antoni Pstragowski.