Danish Record Translation Assistance Please
I am hoping someone could assist me with translation a Denmark, Church Record in Brovst, Hjørring, Denmark. It is Niels Peter Jensen - the last line of the document. Please see the link to see the best image. Thank you in advance for any assistance you may provide.
The second link if for the record on ancestry.
Februar 5 [1854]
Niels Peter Jensen Død [dead]
Hjem[m]edøbt [babtized at home] d. 18 Febr. Daaben [christening] stadfæstet [confirmed (in the church)] den 12 Marts
Pigen Mariane Jensdatter tilhuse i [living in] Brovst. Snedker [cabinetmaker] Jens Peter Olesen i Tybringhuus blev udlagt [said to be] som Barnefader [father of the child]
Et uægte Barn [illigitimate child]