Translation Request - Handwriting - Agnes surname

Please help with deciphering the surname of Agnes ? I did submit this a few days ago but cannot find the surname provided within the National Archive Records. Is it possible the first few letters of her last name were crossed out? It is very difficult to read. Thank you for any insights, I appreciate it, Mattie
Lubenia Roman Catholic Parish, Marriage record, dated 16th May 1791, house no. 138, Antonius (Antoni in Polish) Lesiewicz, catholic, age 50, widower, and a maiden Agnes (Agnieszka) Aladzianka (?), age 18. Witnesses: Paulus (Paweł) Rudka and Valentinus (Walenty) Bieda, peasant farmers.
Księga małżeństw 1784 - 1843, urodzeń, 1784 - 1808, zgonów 1784 - 1837 - Lubenia
Reference code 59/1240/0/-/5
Dates 1784 - 1843
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie
Fonds Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Lubeni
Lubenia Roman Catholic Parish, Marriage record, dated 16th May 1797, house no. 138, Antonius (Antoni in Polish) Lesiewicz, a Catholic, age 50, widower, and of a maiden Agnes (Agnieszka) Biedzianka, age 18. Witnesses: Paulus (Paweł) Rudka and Valentinus (Walenty) Bieda, peasant farmers.
Mattie, it is most likely Agnieszka Biedzianka, also as one of the witnesses is Walnety Bieda.
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Dear Maria,
That makes a great deal of sense. I could hardly decipher 2-3 letters within the name. This is a big help. Thank you. Mattie