Translation Request - Norwegian Birth Record
I have provided a link to a birth record for an unnamed daughter of my grandparents. I need translations for the line under the mother's name and the note in the last column.
Entry Number 31
Father - Johannes Olavsen Kvamme
Mother - Eli Althilde Rivenes
Thanks, Steve
The line under the mother's name is "Begge tilhører menigheten: "Tabernaklet." which translates to: "Both belong to the congregation: The Tabernacle"
I think the line in the last column is" "1/3 Sendt meld. (melding) til Forstanderen for menigheten i Tabernaklet." which would be: 1 March sent notice to the Superintendent for the congregation in the Tabernacle."
Random thoughts that you probably already are aware of: So this is the birth register for the Women's Clinic in Bergen. It is not a church record so has no christening. It has the date the child was born, the date the birth was registered, various information about the child and parents, including which church the parents belonged to if they did not belong to the state church - in this case the Tabernacle, year of marriage, and how many previous children in this marriage and in previous marriages - in this case no previous children.
My guess would be they belonged to this church:
The Google Translate version of the first two paragraphs is:
The Pentecostal Church Tabernaclet Bergen (abbreviated PTB) is a Christian Free Church congregation affiliated with the Pentecostal movement in Norway. It is located in Marken in Bergen….
The Tabernacle Church of Pentecost was founded on 17 June 1920. There had then been a religious revival in Bergen for around 70 years. The membership rose quite quickly to around 300 and remained fairly stable there for several years until 1937. While in the following years it increased to close to 600 members and further increased to over 900 members towards 1950. In 1968 the congregation had close to 1500 members.I don't know for sure, but it does not seem that there would have been more than one Pentacostal church in Bergen or the surrounding area in 1922.
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Gordon thanks so much for the translation and information about PTB!
I was just made aware of this child yesterday. Nobody in the family has ever heard of her. She was not living with the family in August, 1923 when my father was born. I assume she was no longer living. I could find no record of her death at Kvamme in the Arna precinct of Haus. Any hints at how to search for a death record in Bergen?
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Since they were not members of the state church, finding a death record could be quite hard. Also, if she only lived a few days, as the lack of any name in the birth registration suggests, there may not be a death record.
You may need to e-mail the church: and ask them what kind of records they have. Writing in English won't be any problem.
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@Gordon Collett and @StevenKvamme
Gordon, thanks for answering this question. I had looked at it but there were some words I wasn't able to figure out, so I waited, hoping somebody with better Norwegian skills would help out😎
However, in my research I came across another birth record for this child and I think it says she died after 4 hours. Could you look at this to see if I might be correct? The record is here (bottom entry on the page):
I can see "levende - living" and "udøpt - unbaptised" and then "4 t g(amme)l - 4 hours old". There is a word preceding that which may be "døde -died" but I can't be sure.
There is also a word in the far-right column that I think means the parents were no longer Lutherans, but I can't quite come up with an accurate translation.
Thanks again.
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i doubt it is your Norwegian skills, just the handwriting. The practice of having two copies of records is really handy. I didn't realize this birth register would have a corresponding parish register so I didn't look for one.
That word in the last column is Dissentere, that is, Dissenters or people that do not belong the state church which fits with the notation they are Pentecostals belonging to the Tabernaklet congregation..