Is it possible to narrow my search by searching for both items to be included
I want to find results related to an ancestor named Matilda Woodworth in Chatauqua County in the 1850's. My original search for Woodworth gets 70 hits but I would prefer not to look at these one by one. Putting her entire name in quotes got no results but I suspected that by adding her first name with + as in the instructions woul give me only items that had both Woodworth and Matilda but this gets me 540 hits (I want fewer results not more). Worse using the Boolean AND with 20, 807 hits. I did go through one by one and find the result I wanted but should I be able to do it directly.
You can search for Matilda Woodworth by enclosing the words in quotations. Once the results appear you can narrow the search to the 1850's using the filters located in the upper left corner, directly above the first listed result. I searched for "Matilda Woodworth" and got 126 hits. When I selected the Record Year filter for 1850 the results dropped to 15. I then used the Record Place filter to narrow the search to Cuyahoga County and it returned two hits. I used Cuyahoga County because Chatauqua County was not an option, indicating that there were no records meeting that criteria.
The two records that were returned are: