Record of Elblag and Danzig 1572 - 1690
I'm looking for records of Aegidius Dickmann engraver of Danzig born 1592 - 1648 (?) in particular his parents. I've read that he was baptized in Maria Kirke in Danzig. I've read in a fictional book that his parents were Martin and Elizabeth Dickmann.
I'm also looking for more information about Arendt Dickmann the Polish War hero born in Delft 1572 to 1627. He was a merchant ship owner and captain pulled into the Polish Navy to break up a Swedish Naval blockade to the harbor. Looking for records of his children, wife, and parents.
Marjorie, please note that you can find more information in MyHeritage Library Edition of any familysearch center about Aegidius (Egidius) Dickmann, born 10th April 1581 in Danzig, in St. Mary's Kirche. Also in MyHeritage information about Arendt Dickmann. Below I attach the copy of birth record of Egidius Dickmann available in our Library.
The same, MyHeritage reference applies to Arendt Dickmann, including link about him in Wikipedia with his picture.