Translation help - Antoni Kapcinski, 1813 (1825), Szadek
This is another one in Latin. It is the reissued death certificate of Antoni Kapcinski, which was included as an addendum to the marriage record of his daughter.
Best regards
[Top margin note. From Polish] The paper is unavailable from the main Diocese of Szadek ?
[Left margin note from Latin] Adendum to marriage record number 19
Extracted from the book of death records, Szadek Parish
On 12 May 1813, Antoni Kapcinski died, he was 44 years old; he leaves behind his widowed wife his wife Magdalina.
This document was prepared in February 1825.
? Ploski, vicar of Szadek
Zespół: 1691d / Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Szadku
Jednostka: 7000 / A-1808-1829
Katalog: Aneksy
Lata: 1825
Image 57
Page 51. For the Marriage Record No. 19.
Extracted from Book of Death Records, from Parish Church Schudcoviensis
Antoni Kapcinski died on the 12th May 1813 , he was 44 years old. He left widowed his wife Magdalena Kapcinski.
Extracted from Szadek Death Records Book on the 9th February 1825.
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This is the same translation as above:
Extracted from the Book of Records of Szadek Parish Church
for the Marriage Record No. 19.
Antoni Kapcinski died on the 12th May 1813, lived 44 years. At death he left widowed wife, Magdalena Kapcinska.
Confirming the truthfulness of the copy
Date when copy written in Szadek Parish: the 9th February 1825.
Signed by Carol Ploski, Vicar of Szadek