Translation to English
Also this record is in German, but some of the names seem to be of Swedish origin.
Volonteur Johan Joachim Schieblers Töchterl. ist gebohren d[en] 23ten May des aben umb 8: uhr und hat die heil[ige] Taufe empfangen d[en] 26: Ejusdem des nachmttags umb 2 Uhr, allwo ihr der Nahme Catharina Elisabeth ist beygeleget worden. Deßen Gevattern wahren Volont: Johan Daniel Schultz(?), Volont: Georg Friedrich Rebsky, Volont: Christian Lob__?, Volont: Håkan Bergreen, an frauenspersohnen Frau Maria Stimmermeister(?), Catharina Schillern, Christina Möllern und Catharina Carls Tochter.
The little daughter of Volunteer Johan Joachim Schiebler was born on the 23rd of May at 8 p.m. and was baptized on the 26th of the same month at 2 p.m., where she was given the name Catharina Elisabeth. Her godparents were: volunteer Johan Daniel Schultz(?), volunteer Georg Friedrich Rebsky, volunteer Christian Lob__?, volunteer Håkan Bergreen, and the female persons Maria Stimmermeister(?), Catharina Schillern, Christina Möllern and Catharina Carlsdotter(?).