Translation of records
Hi, anyone able to offer assistance with translating/reading/helping with these records for the Valko side of my family?
Death record of Dorota Valko (24 MAR 1846)
Death record of Jan Valko (12 MAY 1850)
Marriage record of their son Michal Valko (14 OCT 1839)
Marriage record of a second son Tomas Valko (28 SEP 1846)
Marriage record of a daughter Katarina Valko (2 SEP 1849) - Not sure if this is my Katarina - if yes, she would be 33 y.o., getting married for the first time. Tho I didn't find her dying before this date, nor was there a marriage of any other Katalin Valko in the town.
1846 March
24. Dorottya Valko, ['daughter' crossed out and replaced with] wife of János, occupation manorial field-guard [presumably missing a 'wife of'], residence Tavarnok, 60 years old, cause: dropsy, received last rites.
1850 May
12. Joannes Valko, innkeeper, Nagy-Tapolcsány, 70 years old, cause: old age, last rites provided, burial place community cemetery.
1839 October
14. Youth Mich. Valko of Tavarnok, maiden Anna Skerda ditto, R.Catholics, commoners, residence Tavarnok, witnesses Fran. Kmetyko, Jos. Gyurkovics, officiant: assistant parson.
1846 September
28. Tamás Valko, single, Katalin Missik, single; commoners, residence Tavarnok, witnesses Josef Vanyo, János Babicza, officiant: parson.
1849 September
2. Single [male]: Andras Dogan, Single [female]: Katalin Valko; commoners, residence Nagy-Tapolcsány, witnesses Jozef Szepa, Matyas Zho?ela, officiant: parson.
Based on the residences, I would question whether the 1850 death and the 1849 marriage are the same family as the other three records.