Translate Letter
[Mod note - reposted from another group. Please address any answers to Susan. Thanks]
Can anyone tell me what this says? Thank you in advance! @Susan Richards
January 13, 1939
Dear Uncle ___?
Thank you for the nice Christmas presents. They were very nice. We have a lot of snow here, almost more than last year, I think. The skiing is going very well. When we two? are going to cross the river, it's quite difficult because it's all watery on the surface so it carries through. Almost every morning Kerstin is up at half past 8 to shovel snow. I, on the other hand, get up at about 9 o'clock. On New Year's Eve I shot away 10 boxes of fire cracker powder. It smelled like gunpowder. I almost had trouble sleeping at night. At Råbäck? the roof has fallen down in the barn. Now I stop. Greetings from Sölve
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Thank you for your response. I just now found this entry! Susan K Richards