Norwegian birth record
I'm trying to read all the extra information in the birth record for Bertha Emilie, b 1 Feb 1899 in Øyer, Oppland, Norge.
Here's the link to the FS indexed record: and you can link from there to the original document.
I know that the father is Ungkarl farm arbeider Kristian Olsen Berg, from Nordamerika, born 1868. He is in FS PID: MXP3-D77. Mother is Ronnaug Engebretsdtr Myrvold, GL7X-4XX. The parents are not married. What does the last column tell me?
That last column doesn't have a whole lot to say:
Anmeldt af barnemorderns fader efter hendes opgivevende. 1st leiermaal. Han vedkjendt sig paterneteten i skrivelse dat. Hu?? 24/4 99.
Reported by child's mother's father in accordance with her information. 1st "transgression" He acknowledged his paternity in writing dated Hu?? (probably a place) 24 April 1899.
Here is the digitalarkivet link where you can zoom in farther to read it a bit easier:
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The note about acknowledging paternity is great! Thanks for your help.