Need Help Understanding an early Swedish Record
Erik Eriksson LK52-3CL and Karin Gabrielsdotter LK52-3QR are our ancestors. We believe they are included in this early household examination in Skoldinge, Sodermanland, Sweden, from ArkivDigital. Here are both the link and the record:
ArkivDigital: Sköldinge (D) AI:1 1691-1722 Image 640 / Page 60
We believe the 3rd and 4th line below the 1701 is Erik Ericksson and Karen Gabrielsdotter. Their son Gabriel was born 4 aug 1716 in Lind, Skoldinge, and is recorded in this same volume (on p 166). We can't figure out what the record above tells us. Their daughter Maria was born in 1725 (in Lunda, we have been told) and so that isn't the Maria Ericksson below Erik and Karin; but we really don't understand any of what this record tells, or where we should go next. The couple were married 4 aug 1716 in Lind; we don't know when their daughter was born (in Lunda in 1725?); and we don't know why Gabriel b 1716 is not listed.
Can someone advise what this record tells and how we could trace them to their next stop (Lunda?). These early records have us stumped.