Translation help please three siblings
The first image I have already had translated and the father is listed.
I do not see the father listed on the other records, (my Danish script reading ability is low).
Would someone please read and translate the second and third images, Anna Katrine #8 on page and Vilhelm #3 on page, to help identify fathers if listed. Current father in Family Search is ?, mother is Larsine Jensen 2W9D-FLP.
thank you in advance
Born: 1. September 1894 in Blenstrup parish.
Place: Dollerup Mark, Blenstrup Sogn, Hellum Herred.
Name: Anna Katrine Marie Jensen.
Mother: unmarried Larsine Jensen, 26 years old, Dollerup Mark.
[No father of child named]
Baptised: 4. September 1894.
"Anmærkninger": 10 maanedersdagen i tjeneste hos gaardejer Knud Andersen i Horsens. [10 months before birth she served with farm-owner Knud Andersen i Horsens (within Blenstrup parish]
Born: 11. April 1902 in Blenstrup parish.
Place: Blenstrup By og Sogn, Hellum Herred.
Name: Vilhelm Johan Jensen.
Mother: unmarried Larsine Jensen, 33 years old, living at husmand Niels Peter Kristensen, Blenstrup By.
Udlagt barnefader [= named father of the child]: ungkarl Anton Hansen af Nørre Sundby.
"Anmærkninger": 10 maanedersdagen i tjeneste hos gaardbestyrer Kristen Jensen i Svenstrup [10 months before birth she served with farm-manager Kristen Jensen in Svenstrup]