help in translating a Danish birth record
please translate item #7 in this record
this is a historical note placed in the blank on the record that is supposed to be for records of witnesses but instead contains information about the family.
I can't get the link to work.
Which year and what parish church book?
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"Barnet kom til Verden d. 8 Maaned af Svangerskabet. Anledningen til ?konens? fortidlige Nedkomst formenes at være et Stød hun fik ved nogle Dage i forveien at falde igiennem et gammelt Loft. Kom til Verden besværlig og ved vending. Moderen har ikke før født dødfødt barn. ?................?"
So the child was born in the 8th month of the pregnancy and it is suspected that the cause was an impact some days before, where the mother fell through an old ceiling. The child was born with great difficulty and had to be turned. The mother has not previously given birth to a still-born child. ?.......?