Translation of extra words on birth record...
This page from the DA shows a son, Hans Christian born to Lars Hansen & Inger Kristophersd on 7th Dec 1824. Record #11 on the bottom left hand page.
There is an entry with no name on the right hand page, the female side, #10, 7 Dec indicating a daughter born to the same couple. There are some words on the far right column for this female entry with no name. I need help to decipher these extra words and to determine if this a female twin who died.
Thanks in advance for your amazing help!
I don't believe this is a female twin. The entry "#10" is actually crossed out and there is an entry 10 on the next page for a girl, Ingeborg, with parents Tollev Christophersen and Sidsel Knudsdatter. It appears that this was a mistake by the writer. The note reads "mentioned on the previous page #11".
This record you have provided is a copy of the parish register. There is a little clearer image of that record in the Norwegian Archives website here: There is also an "official parish register", and it shows Hans Christian (See here-entry #11:, but does not list an unnamed female born on the same day to those parents. If there was a female child, there should exist an entry here with those same parents: Note that Ingeborg, with parents Tollev Christophersen and Sidsel Knudsdatter is entry #10 here, which matches the information in the copy of the parish register.
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Thank you SO much!