Any way to see baptisms or birth registrations from Milano, 1844?
I am looking for information on my 2nd great-grandfather born in Milano in 1844 but I am not sure if there are any records available for that year in Familysearch. Anyone with experience looking for records from Milano before 1866?
I have found many records on for my ancestors. Not many Italian records are digitized yet, so they wouldn’t be on Family Search.
The information is not digitized. You have to look through the records. On the homepage enter the location and date. From there you can look at the birth, marriage and death records. They are in Italian written in script.
Hope this helps.
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Milano did not have civil recordkeeping between 1815 and 1866; only the churches kept records, and they are not online.
If someone born in Milano in 1844 was married in Italy after 1865, a copy of their baptism record may be included with the marriage allegati.
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He got married in 1874 but I dont see any allegati in familysearch from before 1886
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Bummer. The marriage publication since it's pre-1875 may give his exact date of birth and the parish where he was baptized. Then at least you would know which church to contact.
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Yep, the church name is there. Wish me luck contacting them :)