Help with a letter in Danish
One of my friends has a common ancestor and has obtained letters written in the early 1900s. He would like help translating a couple of the words and improving the translation. He has already transcribed the handwriting and put it through a digital translator. If anyone could help with a better translation, that would be wonderful! I will attach the handwritten letter in case the transcribing is the problem. Thank you so much!
N. Asum de 22 May 1919
N. Asum on 22 May 1919
Kära Broder Göthe.
Dear Brother Göthe.
Widl som hastigast hjärtligt.
Widl as soon as possible heartily.
Tack dig för ditt senaste brev.
Thank you for your last letter.
Ser däri att du och de dina vant svart sjuka och att du fick genomgå sauma besvärligheter som
jag i fich kanna Jå i fjol.
I see that you and yours used to be sick and that you had to go through the same difficulties as I did last year.
Men mu år ju mi krya i gen och mi plann ju i alla fall undan den gingen för billigt pris sam väl var.
But it's been a long time since I've had it and my plan has gone away for a cheap price anyway.
Far har vant mycket svört sjuk nu en lång tid, han har föresten varit mycket dålig hela winter och når vi skulle begynna vart arbete på Råbelöv var han mycke skral.
Father has been very seriously ill for a long time now, he has been very unwell all winter and when we were about to start our work at Råbelöv he was very scrappy.
Förutom sockersjukan hade han fatt ont på en av sina tår och till följel or sockret ville det inte läkas och slutligen satte där sig brand i såret, Ya, Kära Göthe.
In addition to the diabetes, he had hurt one of his toes and, as a result of the sugar, it would not heal and finally the wound caught fire, Ya, Dear Göthe.
Far är borta nu han avsomnade i jår stilla a lungt.
Father is gone now he fell asleep peacefully last year.
Nu Kristianstad lasarett så jag bringus nu ge dig hans sista hälsning.
Now Kristianstad hospital so I am brought to give you his last greeting.
Han somnade alldeles hart utan några som helst plågar och han var nöjd a bebåten med att komma bart fär att han hade vant sjuk så länge.
He fell asleep very soundly without any pains whatsoever and he was completely satisfied with getting naked because he had been used to being sick for so long.
Hjärtat var dåligt på honom och det var det som slutligen garde att han grea bart sa fort.
His heart was bad and that was what finally caused him to die so quickly.
Både i Söndags, Mandags Tisdag var han vid sitt vanliga humör och var tillsynes och sömme ån fänet men så i tisdags natt hade han försämrata só når Mor o Selma kom in vid 10: tiden.
Both on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday he was in his usual mood and seemed to be in good spirits, but on Tuesday night he had worsened when Mother and Selma came in at 10 o'clock.
Nå insdagen var det iche långt barta från slutet.
By Wednesday, it was not far from the end.
Jag fick telefon ut på Råbelöv så Jag kom in vid 2:30 Tiden och kl. 5:30 yå a.m. var allt slut.
I got the phone out at Råbelöv so I came in at 2:30 Time and at 5:30 a.m. it was all over.
Som du kan första har jag mycket att ordna nu dels med det här o dels med bygget pä Rabelöv.
As you can tell, I have a lot to arrange now, partly with this and partly with the construction on Rabelöv.
Jag kommer att skriva utförligare sedermera på svart jags får til.
I will write in more detail later on when I can.
Nå hamma ha begravningen på Tisdag och Selma och jag lagger ihop till en krans med hålsn från dig och Hellevi.
Well, let's have the funeral on Tuesday and Selma and I will add a wreath with holes from you and Hellevi.
Kista av klädsal har jag varit inn a köpt i dags.
I have bought a wardrobe chest today.
Mor år acksä tännlegen skrut och särskilt nu men i start sets år hon vid gott mad och jag farsöker muntra upp henne sa gott jag kan.
Mother also has a bad tooth and especially now, but in the beginning she is on good food and I try to cheer her up as best I can.
Ditt brev fick for läve inne på Lasarett, han hade det dörume hela tiden och läste vat ageman der minst en gång arm dan.
Your letter was left in the hospital, he had it in the room all the time and read what was happening at least once in a while.
Ja Göthe- var snäll och skriv hem pä snart du får detta brevet.
Yes, Göthe - please write home as soon as you receive this letter.
Mor hon längstar sö efter brev.
Mother she longs for letters.
Slutor nu med kärlek, till dig o Hilevi från oss, moj Mor, Selma och - Far.
Ending now with love, to you and Hilevi from us, my Mother, Selma and - Father.
Fulgime bror, Thure
Fulgime brother, Thure
I think this letter is from Norra Åsum (near Kristianstad in Skåne) as the language is Swedish.
I can even as a Dane see, that the transcription is "weird" in several instances....but it seems you got the most important information correct in the translation.
One clear misunderstanding is for example this:
"och jag lagger ihop till en krans med hålsn från dig och Hellev" should be something like:
"och jag lägger ihop till en krans med hälsning från dig och Hellevi" -> "Lägger ihop" will probably in this context mean to "save money". [I hope some Swedish speakers can correct me if I'm wrong]
-> and I save money for a wreath with greetings from you and Hellevi.
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@Niels Just Rasmussen Thank you so much, and sorry, yes, it's Swedish. I'm just usually working on my husband's Danish line. I really appreciate you looking at this for us. Can you help with one more thing. My friend couldn't get anything from the "widl" in this sentence: Widl som hastigast hjärtligt. Do think it might be "come" or "write"? Thanks for any additional help!
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Puh I also have real trouble with the handwriting.....
Wi...[then it becomes tricky. It doesn't look like the "d"'s he uses otherwise in the letter]
"Wi..? som hastigast hjärtligt tacka dig för ditt senaste brev" is what I can discern
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Thank you!