TRANSCRIPTION Assistance, not Translation
I have two short emigration documents from Vienna for my grandmother, Ernestine Lea Heilpern. Even though the handwriting is quite nice, and I can understand the gist of some parts, there is too much which is unclear. I would greatly appreciate if any folks out there would be willing and able to give me a transcription of each document so I am sure of all that is written, and then I can type them up to go with the originals in my records. I want to make sure to have the facts accurate, and not miss any vital information. The help would be invaluable, and then I can stop fooling myself that I can do it. The tries to date have been way too many, without real success. Thank you so much.
Two other questions . . . I have a record saying she arrived in Harwich. Am I right in thinking she took a train from Vienna, perhaps to a port in The Netherlands, or would there have been another more likely route? Also, would there be any ship's passenger lists for such a journey?
1 Person England
?: 1 Fahrkarte London
ausbringlich nichts
Petentin ist Wittwe, wohnt bei Verwandten, zahlt keinen Zins, Kinder bereits emigriert, lebt von Unterstützungen, die ihr die Verwandten angedeihen lassen. Möbel keine vorhanden. Die Mobel wurden schon vor Monaten verkauft, mit dem Erlös emigrierten die Kinder.
Pass u Visum in Ordnung.
Angaben glaubhaft.
Unterstützung geboten da jetzt vollkommen mittellos.
Recherchegruppe bei der Auswanderungsabt. der isr. Kult. Gem.
I have no idea what that word before '1 Fahrkarte London' is; probably an abbreviation of a legal German term (Amtsdeutsch).
1 -
Thank you ever so much for these transcriptions. I really appreciate your time & effort in doing this for me. Funny how much sense it makes when one has things spelled out correctly and is not just guessing!
It is a relief to now translate these two documents concerning my grandmother, and make sense of it all. At the same time, it saddens me to see it written out in her words and know better how scared, hopeless, as well as mortified she had to feel to be in such a position. The good news is it ultimately all worked out, she was strong enough to cope, AND she survived!
Leah H. Snider