Questions regarding Catholic records in Denmark
Hello there! Because of the wonderful help I received from someone in this community a couple years ago, I was able to break through a brick wall on a danish ancestor :). I am still so grateful for that help! I am hoping that turning here again will set me back on course to learning more about this same ancestor and his family.
This great-grandfather, Santi Sensini (94KR-5KV) was Catholic and, apparently, an immigrant to Denmark. My 2nd great-great grandfather’s family history book that he compiled states that he had immigrated from Sorrento, Italy. So, my first question, is there some additional records that I can find documentation to verify that? I haven’t had luck with census records either.
Also, when there was a birth of a child or a marriage, it is possible that those things were recorded in both the Catholic records AND the danish parish records? I’m not sure if that is something I missed as well since it seems so many of the records were directly tied to the parish records - but being catholic instead of Lutheran?
My last question is this: my great-grandfather, in the first 2 records I have been able to find for him which are birth records for his first child that I have, he is listed as Josephi Santi Sensini, but after that his name is recorded only as Sancti Sensini. Is there a reason he would drop his first name? I haven’t seen that with any of the other relatives that I have found in these records.
OK, one more question. I haven’t been able to find any records of any of his children - except one - that are outside of these Catholic records? Any indication as to why? No death records or anything!
Any help or insight would be really appreciated because I have definitely been scratching my head over this family for a while now! Thank you!
So first I did a Mediastram search on old Danish newspapers.
16. august 1768:
Udpasserede: Kiöbmand Santi Senzini til Norge [So the merchant Santi Senzini travels to Norway]
19. marts 1777:
Hos Santi Senzini i Lille Kongensgade er at bekomme alle Sorters Mands og Fruentimmerkaaber i parti Dekketøy med videre, alt for en biilig Priis.
NB: So we now know that he had a shop with coats for men and woman at "Lille Kongensgade" in Øster Kvarter in Copenhagen.
His family is not to be found at Lille Kongensgade 71 in the 1787 Census. That must mean that he just had his shop there, and they lived somewhere else?!
13. maj 1789:
Hr. Sandi Sanzini er flyttet fra Lille Kongensgade No. 71 til Store Kongensgade nr. 269, hos ham er tilkiøbs som sædvanlig Mads og Fruentimmers Marin, der er til Leie Sørgekapper Sørgeklæder og nyemodens Christentøier, alt sammen for en billig Priis.
NB: So now er have the matrikel [= cadastre]-streetnumbers of where he had his shop before and after 1789.
Oeders Efterretninger 1771:
Mandens navn: Santi Mandens erhverv: Marchandr. [Marchandiser]
Mandens alder: 37 Mandens civilstand: Gift
Mandens nr. ægteskab: 1 Mand død (ja/nej): Nej
Hustru død (ja(nej): Nej Hustrus alder: 24
Hustrus civilstand: Gift Hustrus nr. ægteskab: 1
Sogn: Øster Kvarter Herred: København (Staden)
Amt: København Stednavn: 06b
Indtastningsnr: C6843 Løbenr.: 69
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Marskandiser is a merchant that sells used items!
So we have a "Santi" in "Øster Kvarter" in Copenhagen having a shop in 1771. It must be the man we are looking for!
Kopulations Pengeprotokol København (1720-1863):
D. 4. Januar 1782. Santi Sensine. Marchandiser. Chatolsk.
Source (page 534, right):
NB: So he is married catholic shortly afterwards.
Husregistre for København (1789):
Santi. S. Marschandiser. Lille Kongensgade 71.
Source (page 37):!?collection=139&item=5536071
Husregistre for København (1792):
Eanti [fejl for Santi]. S. Marschandiser. Store Kongensgade 269.
Source (page 46):!?collection=139&item=5536159
Husregistre for København (1795):
Santi. S. Marschandiser. Store Kongensgade 269.
Source (page 48):!?collection=139&item=5536253
Husregistre for København (1798):
Santi. S. Marschandiser. Store Kongensgade 269.
Source (page 48):!?collection=139&item=5536379
NB: Next house-register is first from 1809 and there he is not listed at the address [but in 1806 you got a change of cadastre's in Copenhagen].
Haven't located him the Census 1801......
For the Catholic Church of Copenhagen one have to look for Sankt Ansgar Sogn.
Only some of it (in a handwritten copy) is online.
Before 1800 we only have baptism; but in the register of birth (1700-1830) we find several baptism of "Sancti-Senzini's".
Source (page 18-19):,70289143
For instance the baptism in 1772 of Joanna Catharina Santi-Senzini with parents Joseph Santi-Senzini and Catharina Eiserner.
Soiurce (page 34):,70289159
NB: So we have the name of a former wife, since we know a Santi-Senzini married again in 1782.
For instance the baptism in 1784 of Sabine Angelica Anna with parents Sancti-Senzini og Maria Verhufen.
Source (page 79):,70289204
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The likely brother of Maria Verhuven/Verhufen.
Died: 25. November 1805.
Name: Henrich Verhuven.
Age: 49 years old.
Falkoner-Mester [Falconry-master].
Died of: "Tærende Syge" [Wasting disease].
Buried: 30. November [1805] at 10 o'clock.
Source (page 8, nr 10):,70290536
Falkonergården at Frederiksberg was used between 1670-1810 to breed hunting falcons like Icelandic white falcons and grey norwegian falcons [both subspecies of the Gyrfalcon - Falco rusticolus] primarily as presents for royalty around Europe.
Henrich Verhuven was the master of falconry between 1795-1805.
So both Maria & Henrich is likely children of a former master of falconry: Jacob Verhuven who died in Lüneburg in 2. Februar 1784 after having delivered falcons in France.
"Jacobus Werhuven" became Falkoner-mester the 16. December 1755 [by the King's order].
Census 1801: København, Sokkelund, Frederiksberg Sogn, Falkonergaarden, , 212, FT-1801, B5778
Johan Henrich Verhugen 45 Gift Husfader Falkonermester
Marie Lovise Caussade 39 Gift Kone
Johannes Jacobus Verhugen 4 Søn
Valborg Randel 27 Ugift Tjenestepige
Diderich Johansen 57 Enke Falkonersvend
Peter Krog 38 Gift Falkonersvend
Peter Søborg 27 Gift Falkonersvend
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Krak Vejviser 1803:
Last entry of Santi S. Marschandiser. Store Kongensgade 269.
Source (page 344-345, bottom left):
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Otherwise you can be lucky to find some catholics outside of the catholic church-books (perhaps if the priests was away and children had to be baptised?) or if they die in a hospital, there can be registered in the church books there.
Where he comes from could be information from "Borgerskab" (town-citizenship).
I found him in the register 1785-1795.
Sandi Sanzini. Folio 502.
Source (page 527, right):
Then in the protocol itself I didn't find any entry of Borgerskab, but on folio 502 I found this important entry:
D. 14. Maj 1794:
Hestehandler [horsetrader] Mads Andersen Fonnesbech blev beskikket til at være værge for Sandi Sanzinis umyndige Børn...Samfrænde Skiftes Behandling efter deres afdøde Moder Maria Werailf..[= Maria Verhuven].
Source (page 707, mid):
NB: So a Probate in May 1794 after Maria Verhuven died......and the horse trader will act as guardian [værge] for the children during the probate case ["samfrænde" means the probate is NOT public, but a private family matter].
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Landsarkivet for Sjælland m.m., Arkivskabte Hjælpemidler
Register over samfrændeskifter (1771-1810):
Sanzini (Senzine), Cathrine, født Essen [= Eisener]
Marschandiser Santi Sanzini's hustru.
Code: 67/1781.
Sanzini, Maria, født Wexhauf el. Werhuren.
Marschandiser Santi Sanzini's hustru.
Code: 32/1794.
Source (page 20, bottom left and top right):,39967821
Here is the probate 21. May 1794 after Maria Verhuven.
Landsover- samt Hof- og Stadsretten, Københavns Skiftekommission
Bevillinger og samfrændeskiftebreve (kopier) (1793-1795):
It says "Borger og Marschandiser Hr. Sandi Sanzini" [So he has "Borgerskab" in Copenhagen!]
Kongelig Bevilling til Samfrænde skifte d. 4. januar 1793.
...afdøde hustru Maria Werauf eller Werhuven.
Boets Hus: Store Kongensgade 269 in Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter.
Source (page 305-308 ):,75368467
NB: His signature in on page 308, bottom left.
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@Niels Just Rasmussen I am indebted to you. I am overwhelmed by how much you were able to find! Thank you! I stepped away from my research for a little while again and I am now ready to dive into all of this. You are a Godsend!
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Found his death even though the Sankt Ansgar church book of buried is first online from 1805.
Københavns Stadsarkiv.
Register til Almisseprotokol 1799-1816.
Santi Sancini 1545.
Source (page 97):!?collection=113&item=796725
Københavns Stadsarkiv.
Almisseprotokol 1799-1816.
Santi Sancini.
Understøttelse fra 1. September 1799 [date from where he received poverty help] of 6 Rigsdaler for rent each summer.
Død i Januar Maaned 1801 paa Almindeligt Hospital og kaartet inddraget.
Source (page 584):!?collection=101&item=514375
NB: So he died January 1801 at "Almindeligt hospital", but he is NOT registred in the church book for Almindelig Hospital!
Actually this is a mistake!!!!
I found the patient-register for Almindeligt Hospital.
Københavns Stadsarkiv.
Almindeligt Hospital.
Patienter 1789-1801:
Navn: Sancti Sanctini.
Indkommen 15. januar 1800 [When he arrived at "Almindeligt Hospital"].
Død den 26. januar 1800! [So died January 1800, not 1801]
Source (page 196):!?collection=141&item=1389291
So he IS in the church book of Almindelig Hospital under a corrupted name.
Død: 26. Januar 1800.
Navn: Sanik Sanktens (or something like that)
Source (page 107, nr 64):,24435082
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The probate after his first wife - here called "Catharina Eisen" is here:
Landsover- samt Hof- og Stadsretten, Københavns Skiftekommission
Bevillinger og samfrændeskiftebreve (kopier) (1781-1782).
Nr: 67 in 1781.
Adresse: Nr 33 i Lille Kongensgade.
Source (page 338):,75363971
Husregistre for København 1784.
Sante Sarine. Marschandiser. Lille Kongensgade 33.
Source (page 35):!?collection=139&item=5535996
Husregistre for København 1780.
Sante Sanzine. Marschandiser. Lille Kongensgade 33.
Source (page 31):!?collection=139&item=5535865
Husregistre for København 1777.
Sante Sanzine. Marschandiser. Lille Kongensgade 33.
Source (page 29):!?collection=139&item=5535800
NB: This is the earliest I have found him so far on Lille Kongensgade 33. [the newspaper article from 1777 state that he was at Lille Kongensgade that year]
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A son found in census 1801:
Census 1801: Frederiksborg Amt. Lynge-Kronborg Herred. Karlebo Sogn. Donse Krudt Fabrique.
Jacob Bentzon Mand 36 1765 Gift Husbonde Krudt=Mester og Jordbruger
Lovise Susanne Bentzøn født Biørn Kvinde 46 1755 Gift hans Hustr:
Christian Johannes Theodorus Bentzøn Mand 4 1797 Ugift Søn
Anna Chathrine Møller Kvinde 26 1775 Ugift Husjomfru
Ellen Nielsdatter Kvinde 24 1777 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk
Niels Jørgensen Mand 52 1749 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk Krudt Karl
Jens Steffensen Mand 28 1773 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk
Lars Hemmingsen Mand 20 1781 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk
Hans Jensen Mand 18 1783 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk
Lorentz Thomas Santhi Sansine Mand 11 1790 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk
Gutlen Olesen Schiønvald Ukendt 54 1747 Ugift deres Tienneste Folk
Ole Holm Mand 42 1759 Almisse Lem Almisse
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Finally found them in Census 1787 under the corrupted name of "Sarine".
Census 1787: København. Øster Kvarter. Østergade 33.
Sante Sarine Mand 51 År (1736) Gift Husbonde Marschandiser [Gift 1ste gang, wrong]
Marie Sarine Kvinde 35 År (1752) Gift Hans kone [= Maria Werhuven] [Gift 1ste gang]
Teresia Sarine 12 År (1775) Ugift Deres barn
?Doncineche? Sarine 8 År (1779) Ugift Deres barn
Karl Sarine 4 År (1783) Ugift Deres barn
Marie Sarine 1 År (1786) Ugift Deres barn
Kirstine Hans Datter Kvinde 20 1767 Ugift Tjenestepige
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Could this be a family member of Santi Senzini's first wife Catharina Eisener?
Oeders Efterretninger 1771:
Mandens navn: Eissener Mandens erhverv: Soldat ved Det Dansk Liv Regiment
Mandens alder: 32 Mandens civilstand: Gift
Mandens nr. ægteskab: 2 Mand død (ja/nej): Nej
Hustru død (ja(nej): Nej Hustrus alder: 23
Hustrus civilstand: Gift Hustrus nr. ægteskab: 1
Sogn: Købmager Kvarter Herred: København (Staden)
Amt: København Stednavn: 11b
Indtastningsnr: C6840 Løbenr.: 88
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
NB: So he is in the second marriage and the wife in her first marriage.
Census 1787:
Martin Eisner Mand 56 1731 Gift Husbonde Musqveteer af Danske Liv Regiment
Christine Margrethe Ferner Kvinde 40 1747 Gift Hans kone
Johanne Kvinde 15 1772 Ugift Deres datter
Kirstine Kvinde 14 1773 Ugift Deres datter
Nicolay Mand 11 1776 Ugift Deres søn
Sophie Kvinde 9 1778 Ugift Deres datter
Adolph Mand 8 1779 Ugift Deres søn
NB: A catholic Martin Eisener appears in the church book of Sankt Ansgar Sogn!
Baptism 27th April 1775 of a child of Dominici [or Domincus] Gianelli & wife Joannæ Eisener!!
Josephus Santy-Sensini is witness!
Source (page 46, right):,70289171
NB: This must be because Sancti-Senzini is married to the sister? of Johanna Eisener, that is Catharina Eisnener.
NB. Dominucs Gianelli was a "plasterer" and he is connected with one of my own ancestors (another Italian gypsum-plasterer in Copenhagen).
Oeders Efterretninger 1771:
Mandens navn: Dominicus Gianelli Mandens erhverv: Gibsformer og thee handler
Mandens alder: 47 Mandens civilstand: Gift
Mandens nr. ægteskab: 2 Mand død (ja/nej): Nej
Hustru død (ja(nej): Nej Hustrus alder: 28 [= Johanna Eisener]
Hustrus civilstand: Gift Hustrus nr. ægteskab: 1
Sogn: Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter Herred: København (Staden)
Amt: København Stednavn: Folio Nb
Indtastningsnr: C7268 Løbenr.: 825
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
NB: He is a gypsum plasterer and a tea-trader. He is in his second marriage with Johanna Eisener!
Rigsarkivet, Arkivskabte Hjælpemidler
Navnekartotek til Skattemandtal 1762, København.
Dominucs Gianelli. [Gips-]Former. Italianer.
Hustru: Johanne Eisen[er].
Børn: Marie Lovise, Gulie ?Joanne?, Marie Rosalie.
Source (page 3):,31041002
NB: So Johanne Eisener was married to Dominucs Gianelli quite young!