Looking for information of Nicolas Francisco Veloz Goiticoa, other questions .
Looking for his graveside and any information about his death. He was the Dean of Diplomatic Corp of Venezuela. Also Ambassador . One of his kin married into Simon Bolivar niece. Any information about a sword that he gave to the government that was gold.. Was told that the family are in the history book in Venezuela. I would like to know about my family if possible.
No sé si pueden ser útiles pero, en Google, encuentro estos enlaces:
- https://www.geni.com/people/Dr-Nicolas-Francisco-Veloz-Goiticoa-Ambassador/6000000030684301942
- https://www.ancestry.com/genealogy/records/nicolas-francisco-goiticoa_111520264
- https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/11398360?q&versionId=13370591
- http://boards.rootsweb.com/localities.southam.venezuela.general/362/mb.ashx
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En familyseachla está también el árbol genealógico de este diplomático. Con fotografías de todos sus descendientes. Una prima de mi bisabuelo estuvo casada con un sobrino de él. Pero no detallan exactamente las fechas de nacimiento y defunción. Habría que buscarlas en los archivos no indexados de Caracas. Probablemente fue enterrado en el el Cementerio General del Sur, y lamentablemente ese cementerio ha sido prácticamente destrozado por el vandalismo actual.
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Your family member was married into my family. Could you tell me what you have heard about the family if you don't mind me asking. Thank you tell me what I asked and I hope we can become close as family.