Needing Translation Assistance
Skulsk? posad, 17th of October 1880, 4PM. In presence of witnesses, Jozef Maćkowiak, 45 and Michal Grzebielski, 49, both peasants from Radwienczew? a marriage was registered between Antonius Piasecki, single, 24, shoemaker from Rakow village living in Radwiencew village, son of deceased Jozef and living Mariyanna Staszewski spouses Piasecki, mother living on income from her property in Radwiencew and Julianna Nawrocka, single, 19, maid, born in Mishki (Mitinki?) village and living in Radwiencew, daughter of Katarzyna Nawrocka, single and already decesased.
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Thank you very much, Igor.