Where are the Marriage and Death records for Region of Benevento between 1861 and 1931?
Looking for Morcone, Benevento records.
The birth records are there. The marriage records and death records for almost all of the 80+ communities are missing from the antinati.it site, the FamSEarch link, and all related sites.
There is a separate site with records for the tiny tiny town of Benevento, Benevento.
Here is antinati.it and FamSearch related sscrrenshots showing the missing years. The data returns after 1931.
Region of Benevento is missing records during the Great Migration: Here is the screenshot of the antinati.it site showing the black hole of Marriage Records between 1861 and 1930. 80+ communities are missing.
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Region of Benevento is missing Death Records for the Great Migration period: 1861-1930. The records return in 1931. There are 80+ communities missing. Here is the antinati.it screenshot.
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Indeed, the marriages and deaths for Benevento province 1861-1930 have never been transferred to the State Archives, and as such, they cannot be consulted, nor can organizations like FamilySearch/Antenati digitize them.
I do not know why this is the case. It's indeed strange that these marriages have not been transferred, when the births have been transferred and later marriages and deaths have been transferred. The situation is strange, but unfortunately it's real.
However, I can give you tips on what you can do to research your family history despite this:
- Many times, birth records will include information about the person's future marriage. If you are fortunate then, you may be able to identify your ancestors' birth records positively using this information, thereby obtaining their parents' names without ever requiring marriage records.
- The death records do give parents' names and the spouse's name. Therefore, if you have any ancestors who happened to die between 1931-1942, you can obtain their parents' names that way.
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It's a finger pointing game. The State Archive says they never received them from the Tribunale; the Tribunale says they don't have them. There is a statement to that effect on the AS di Benevento web site:
Mancano del tutto i registri delle pubblicazioni, dei matrimoni e delle morti del periodo 1861-1930 e, nonostante reiterati tentativi fatti dall’Archivio di Stato per appurare se e dove siano conservati, il Tribunale di Benevento non è stato finora in grado di fornire notizie certe al riguardo.
Of course, the site is apparently only operational during business hours in Italy.
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@Cousin Vinny Interesting that they write that, I imagine the State Archive gets asked this question a lot!